
Wednesday, May 26

Our garden.

Jeremiah and I planted strawberries, tomatoes, and peppers.

We are happy.  We did this together.

Our strawberries and cherry tomatoes are sweet.

There is nothing like that feeling, helping something grow.

(you can see the mint and lavender in the back)

Hope you are having a lovely day!


Madeline said...

Yummy! Homegrown strawberries are the absolute best.

Claudya Martinez said...

I bet those tomatoes are the best. There is nothing like a deliciously sweet tomato. I could just eat them like candy.

Silvia said...

love vegetable gardens, I wish I had more time to spend on ours. Last mother's day while I was taking a nap my hubby and kiddo went and bought tomatoes, and basil, that made me very happy. Now everyday the first thing I do after a wake up is check how my little plants are doing.

Your strawberries look wonderful!!!

Unknown said...

How cool! I want to do this so bad and don't have time yet. Soon!!

SWFL Doula said...

I would love to have a garden, but I'm a plant killer.. I love Orchids and my husband bought 2 kinds for me.. and after a while they just die and he has to bring them to life again..

Lola said...

mmm qué ricas esas fresas! Nosotros este año hemos plantado tomates en nuestra terraza con ayuda de la peque y también tenemos alguna planta aromática, pero al ver tus fresas me han entrado unas ganas locas de salir corriendo a comprar unas fresitas para completar la cosecha.
¡Qué suerte tener jardín!

Unknown said...

I want to try doing that. Maybe next year. Right now I'm trying to grow some wild flowers in my back yard. I hope I can keep THEM alive. LOL

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog. =)

Stephanie said...

It looks like your garden is thriving! And what a happy sight to see that brilliant red strawberry peeking out, ready for picking. :)

erika said...

Your garden looks great, I just had some strawberries from my garden as breakfast!

( by the way thank you so much for your words on the Indian themed party , I really appricate it!)


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