
Saturday, July 31

Life is good

He picked out what he would eat the night before.

This, Jeremiah loved.  Room service.

Pancakes, oatmeal, waffles, fresh fruit,  hot chocolate (our breakfast) and a vanilla latte for mama.

iPhone pics
We were feeling adventurous and a little green after breakfast. 
So, we took bus number 7 to the San Diego Zoo.   

My first time there.  It is quite special, and not like any other zoo I have been too.  

Kip took his fancy camera and I have great pictures to share. 

We are home now.  With laundry piles. A cranky toddler. 

Football season (for Jeremiah) to start tomorrow. 

And I'm typing with pretty color fingernails.

CHANEL Lilac Sky

Life is good

Wednesday, July 28

A train ride and birthday kind of day

We rode the train to San Diego. The ride was special. And something different for the kids.

Our trip was smooth and the only thing I would do different next time is pack lunch for everyone. Lunch on the train was a bit expensive, but tummies got full. And I guess that's what matters.

We are staying at the Westgate Plaza in Downtown. A fancy kind of place.

The kids like it.

We are going out for a birthday dinner(Jeremiah and I share the same birthday).

Our family (small) vacation. Perfect,actually.

Tuesday, July 27

Audrey's iPhone photo shoot

(in the dressing room).

At a fashion store.  Where most of the sizes don't fit me.

We  was out shopping.

With friends.  Two single ladies, (no babies yet)....and such good friends.

They made me feel young.

  And I even bought a little black dress.  Backless.

Audrey ran around the store.  Trying the hats and handbags and jewelry.

I had good friends to run after her while I tried on way too stylish clothing (:

Sunday, July 25

Your blog post is on my Instapaper

Kip is my go to person for good iPhone apps, or anything Mac related ( :

He told me about Instapaper...and I am so hooked.  Have you tried it?
It's a read later bookmark service that let's you save articles or blog posts or anything else on the web to read...later.

I don't know how many times I click on links from blogs, that look really good and that I really want to read but just don't have the time. I later forget the site or the article.

Sometimes I read it, but get sidetracked and never return to the original blog or just spend too much time.

Instapaper let's you read the fun stuff you like, later.  You can use it on your computer, iPhone and iPad.
It's free to use on your computer and free for the iPhone (as long as you are willing to put up with ads here and there).  The cost to have it on your iPad as well is $4.99 (not free, but reasonable) and gives you the ad free service on your iPhone as well.

They seriously should pay me for all the advertising I have done for them lately.  I am really impressed and had never really tried a save later service like this before.

I don't know of others?  Are you trying any? Any recommendations?

So, anyways, when you have time, you go back to your instapaper and can read what you have saved  anywhere you are, even if you don't have wi fi service (LOVE this for those little restaurants or cafes with no wi fi).   If you are in wi fi service then you also have the option of visiting the exact site like for leaving comments ( :

Just a quick I found this and like this sharing with you.

*I was not given any compensation or asked or contacted in anyway by instapaper.  I found this service on my own (well, with Kip's help) and like it so much thought you might too ( :

This is a mom blog.

Miah doin work from mom2miah&audrey on Vimeo.

And I'm showing off.

Kip sent the video to me this morning.  He video tapes, and photographs all of his games.

I love him.
I love Miah.
I love Audrey.

And I love me (I need to say this one more often).

*Jeremiah is number 9

Friday, July 23

Our Mootopia

Breastfeeding at Hurricane Harbor.

A very relaxing way to end a fun trip (filled with water slides, a massage ...and lot's and lot's of water).  

Toma leche sent us an invite (for a second time this summer).... (their PR in LA is one of a kind).

It was a girl trip this time.  Audrey, her grandma, her aunt, and I.  We chatted, and laughed, and shared.

Then we had dinner at a local cafe.  And Audrey ate all of her fries.

Our Mootopia.

*This trip was an invite from gotmilk? I was not asked or given any compensation to write MY thoughts. 

Thursday, July 22

Out of the heat... at the library

Summer has been good to us.  Everyone is here and healthy.  

We are working on parenting daily.  The no tv, no xbox, no electronics punishment set last week has encouraged lot's more outdoor play and reading. Who knew that was the way to get my kid to read? All the time ( :

*real time: (Audrey just came over expecting me to open the bottle of sundae she serious!?!?! "open mami, open mami")

Since we have been reading lot's and trying to stay cool.... we visited the libary library and I picked out some good stuff while Jeremiah toured a swat truck and petted a German Shepherd police dog (kid's event at our local library). 

He skipped out on checking any out this time since he is currently in the middle (book 4) of the Harry Potter series.
It's the perfect place to relax on a summer day.  Books, all over, and out of the heat.  I really need to visit more often.  
How often do you go to the library?
What books are you reading?
Here are my current picks. 

*as for Audrey...she got grapes instead.

Monday, July 19

He likes Metallica.....

and asked, "can we go to Macy's".

"Macy's...what for?" I said.

"I need skinny jeans, they sell them there". 

Lately he has been growing.  Into himself.  It scares me.  Sometimes.  I feel like he IS my baby, still.

But then he talks about 80's rock.  

and I'm like whhhhaaattt?!?!?!?

I seriously can only name probably one Metallica song (having trouble doing so at the moment).

We did go to Macy's.  He got skinny jeans (they were on sale)....

and he is teaching me about Metallica.

Saturday, July 17

Chain letters

Mom's Love, Botswana
 (photo by Liv Unni Sodem)

My mother in law sent me one of those I really dislike chain letter emails (although not really) know...the one you have to send to all your friends.   I never pass these on...but as a mom...I appreciate tips like are SO my MIL.

I don't have info to credit the author...but I can tell it's a she...and a mom ( :

Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store.  If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster. 

Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if you want a stronger taste of garlic. 

Leftover snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert.  Simply chop them up with food chopper.  Peel, core and slice a few apples.  Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!  Yum!

Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil.  It will stay fresh much longer and not mold. 

Expanding Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size.  You can frost more cupcakes with the same amount and eat less sugar and calories per serving.  

Broken Glass
Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see. 

Flexible vacuum
To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum.  It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings. 

Measuring cups
Before you poor sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup.  Add your ingredient and watch how easily it comes right out. 

Use hair conditioner to shave your legs.  It's cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs smooth.   

Get Rid of Ants
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants.  It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don't have to worry about pets or small children being harmed. 

Don't you just love the elephant mom and baby picture? Audrey would say...."soooo cute".

If you are a sucker for animal mom and baby pics here are some more to aaahh and ooohh over ( :

Thursday, July 15

I'm not sure why

but I am loving the google page today.  It feels hippie.

Our day was good today.  I feel good, and the kids seem to be feeling good.

Audrey and I stopped by Starbucks this morning (we usually like local...but had a gift card that gotmilk? sent me).  The line was kind of long, so Audrey ran around the place, I chasing after her.

Matthew Lillard (in back of us in line) got a chance to witness Audrey in full toddler mode.

I also call it drama queen mode, but never tell her that. ( :

She got in a it's mine fight at the park.

waving good by to that same friend she fought. 

Then was the most polite little girl while we shopped for groceries.

We both took a long nap.

Everyone loved dinner.

Dad took the kids to basketball practice

and I got my cardio workout in a pool.  Thanks to my mama fitness group.

It's one of those summer days.  Nothing special.  But everything just right.

*no one asked to be any of these links.  Just part of my thoughts and  part of my day today.   The Starbucks card was a gift I received at a blogger event, I was not asked to write about them or got milk?, and was not given any compensation for writing this. 

Wednesday, July 14

Yesterday morning

I wanted to pick Jeremiah up from school.  Bring him home and tuck everyone back in bed (myself included).

Start the morning all over again

and maybe even try getting out from the other side of bed.

I yelled and screamed and said things I shouldn't have said.  I punished way to hard.

 I really tried not to, yet I guess I didn't.

Why is it so easy for us to get upset?  Over little things?

My morning was a mess.  I felt disappointed and sad with myself.  Just like that, all the books and articles and breathing and praying, they left, and it was just I.  The other I, the one who really isn't me.

I picked him up after school and apologized.  I hugged and said "I don't like what you did, but I shouldn't have acted that way with you" I felt awful.  I stuck to my punishments, but regretted my behavior.  Which is the worst thing to feel after disciplining your child.

I talked to Kip when he got home.

and spent extra time with Jeremiah.

Today, was a new day.  And so much different from yesterday, that day.

I am starting new.

How do you handle situations like these?  When you are so angry?  Do you leave the room?  Count to 10?  Hug? Pray?

Tuesday, July 13

Paleta's de Arroz con Leche (a recipe)

As I cooked the arroz con leche (rice pudding), I thought of my mom, and her home.  

The sweet smell had both kids curious and wanting to know what I was making, and wanting to help.  
We talked about how mami loved arroz con leche and paletas when she was a kid.  

Jeremiah checked the freezer about 10 times before it was finally time to have one. 

and Audrey's tantrum quickly resolved with one taste ( :


1 cup of rice
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup whole milk
1/3 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup condensed milk

For the fun stuff:

Put the rice and cinnamon stick in small pot with enough water to cover the rice and more (very important, from experience).  At low heat let the water consume to just above the rice, add whole milk, and continue to cook until rice is "al dente".

Add sugar, mixing quickly.  After about 5 minutes add evaporated milk, continue to mix.  When the rice is cooked to soft, move mixture to mixing bowl so it wont continue to cook, and mix in condensed milk.  Before filling popsicle molds you can mix mixture in blender and then add powdered cinnamon or raisins as you wish.  Freeze atleast 4 hours.


En Español.... a yummy reason to practice your spanish....

1 taza de arroz
1 raja de canela
1/2 de taza de azúcar
2/3 taza de leche entera
1/3 taza del leche evaporada
1/2 taza de leche condensada


Ponga el arroz y la raja de canela en una cacerola con suficiente agua para cubrir el arroz y un poco más.  A fuego lento deje que el agua se consuma hasta el nivel por encima del arroz y agregue la leche entera y siga cocinando has que el arroz esté "al dente".

Añada el azucár, y revuelve ligeramente y cinco minutos despues añada la leche evaporada revolviendo nuevamente.  Cuando el arroz esté cocido vacíelo en un plato servidor para que no se cocine de más y agregue la leche condensada.  Antes de pasar el arroz con leche al molde de las paletas, puede licuarse en un procesador y luego agregarle canela en polvo o pasas al gusto.  Lleve al congelador por 4 horas.


*toma leche (got milk?) shared this recipe with me.  I am sharing it with you because it's a yummy recipe and brings back childhood memories.  I was not given any type of compensation for sharing this recipe.   I have more yummy ones to share...soon. 

Friday, July 9

sleep baby sleep.

It's July.  
July, with no summer heat around. 
Light sweaters in the morning with beautiful sunlight in the afternoons
It makes good sleep after working all night. 

The other morning I came home from work to nap a bit before picking up the kids from the sitter and summer activities. 

We came home, Audrey exhausted, so, I breastfed her.  She fell asleep, I quickly falling asleep as well. 

Pretty soon, it was like eight I believe, when Kip woke me, to let me know, we had slept all afternoon, and all evening. 

And slept through the earthquake. 

I asked why he hadn't woken me up....for what? he said. 

I got up to do a load of laundry and load the dishwasher, before bedtime. ( :  

As I folded, Kip and Audrey read books in bed.  I heard him singing to her in spanish, and smiled at how much spanish he learns daily as well.  

Then, I got back in bed.

I seriously didn't wake up again till morning.  So, I think I slept like 20 hours.  I do this like once a year.  To recharge my batteries from working nights.  

I think I must be fully charged. 

How are your batteries these days?  

Thursday, July 8

Fourth of July in Our home

Thoughts of parades, trips to festivals and parks.  Just thoughts.  
I ended up staying in pajamas comfy clothes all day.  Spending time with my most favorite people.

By the afternoon Audrey was in need of fresh air.  And I, in some major need for exercise from all the party food .... and leftovers.  Audrey and I went for a run/walk.

American flags hung proud.  Everywhere. I thought, what a lucky girl I am, to live in such a beautiful place, a place where everyone is so different yet still so united.

How lucky I am, to be able to raise my kids here.

In the evening we saw fireworks.  Audrey sat on Kip's shoulder.  And I, with my arm around Miah.

Tuesday, July 6

a "thank you" post

I gave her colors, and names of flowers. 

She gave me a design, that felt like me as soon as I saw it. 

Dariela is not only a talented designer and photographer.  She is also a good friend. A mama of two, who babywears, and breastfeeds, and is raising her her kids bilingual.... we share the same birthday too!

Thank you Dariela!  You are beautiful inside and out.  Your person and your work. 

Monday, July 5

cake, friends and happy days

She pushed grandmas chihuahua in her stroller. 

Played with chalk.

Enjoyed the company of friends and family.


 Heard the birthday song en español ... and english

and licked frosting off her fingers.


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