
Friday, September 10

Bien Hecho

This past weekend Kip and I had a date night with friends.  Kids free and a much needed adult conversation throughout dinner.  It was lovely. 

I came home feeling inspired by our friend, who shared with us her recent journey on becoming a big sister through the Big Brother Big Sister program.
Although she is not leading this big non profit organization or donating all kinds of money or taking a whole year to help in another country....she is doing so much for this little girl. 

The chats, help with homework, compliments, words of encouragement and being there for her... it made me think about how small acts of giving, like this, mean so much.  Small acts of kindness mean so much in our community.

I'm inspired to do more little things to help someone. 
Sometimes it's the little things that matter most.  And need to be acknowledged. 

I recently found out about the Scott Brand Bien Hecho Awards and their search for "unsung heroes", regular people who have performed outstanding actions in or for the Latino community.  

I got really excited about this one, specially because each winner will receive $2,000 and another $5,000 donated in their name to a non-profit of their choice.

The "unsung heroes" of our Latino community are in much need of acknowledgment and admiration. Do you know someone who is always there to help in the Latino community?  You can nominate them. 
*no compensation was given for writing this post. 


Anonymous said...

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