
Friday, July 22

Photo Books from Shutterfly (a Giveaway)

Iv'e been playing on Shutterfly, creating a photo book... and oh my is it fun! I can't make up my mind on what theme I love the best. I think the recipe photo book has to be one of my favorites...  a photo book gift with family recipes, photos of food/family enjoying them and history behind the yummy dishes.
  A treasure for sure.  

Shutterfly is gifting me with a photo book (yay!), I'm thinking of a summer theme filled with pictures of Jeremiah and Audrey, the beach, outdoor parties, family....
and while Iv'e been playing I thought of how many thank you cards I need to send all my favorite people... how do you manage all the thank you card sending?
Wouldn't these be super fun? 
and since I'm on the topic of how late I am on thank you's maybe I should start my Christmas cards 
now. (:

Have you ever given a photo book as a gift or received one?  
I think they are just the perfect gift!

Win it!
Shutterfly wants you to have a photo book too!
Leave me any topic related comment by 12pm August 4th, I will randomly choose 10 of you to win a free photo book! Leave your email (if it's not in your profile) so I can reach you. 
For extra entries you can follow me via google friend or facebook. Leave one comment for each.

*Have a blog? Get a free photo book from Shutterfly? 

* a photo book was given to me for sharing with you along with an offer to do a giveaway on my blog. I loved, and thought you would love to...

*Giveaway now closed winners: shawnac68, color land, peach prenni, Aurelia, terri 142, Mollly, Rae, Susan, Donna, snow


MJ said...

I gave my fiance a photo book for father's day! It's titled "Julian and Daddy: a love story" and has pictures of them napping, playing, reading, etc.. Super cute and I got it at shutterfly too!

Cecy said...

I enjoy making these photo books especially of our trips. I still need to make one of the newest addition to our family. Fingers crossed.

Monica said...

I LOVE Shutterfly!! I just discovered them after a friend recommended them at the end of May. We used their online software to create my homeschooled daughter's first yearbook. Love, love, love how it turned out and everyone else does, too. Thank you for this opportunity!

Madeline said...

I love Shutterfly. It's way faster than scrapbooking and the books turn out really cute. And, yes, I've given them away as gifts for family.

Color Land said...

Following you via google friend!

Color Land said...

Thanks for introduce me to shutterfly! I would love to make one for Jimena's adventures! It sound like so much fun and a perfect gift!

Themes i like:
FAmily pictures
Ice cream pictures
Panda bears...........

prenni5 said...

I LOVE photo books!! It's my goal to make one after each event and have them all within reach so the kids can enjoy them! I remember looking through my mom's photo albums growing up and loving it.

Bonnie from Sweet Life said...

great giveaway!! I enjoy shutterfly and have used them to make summer photo bokks. good luck to all who enter!

Julie Diaz Asper said...

Photo books are so great for the kids. They love seeing themselves! And it's great way to organize your pictures.

Bren @ Flanboyant Eats™ said...

i love shutterfly. they've got great stuff and offer a great way to hold close memories... i'd do either a fashion book for my sis so she can inspired, or a recipe book for my friends while my cookbook gets worked on!!

Claudya Martinez said...

I love photo books. I don't think I'll ever do an album again. The grandparents love them too. Pick me.

Claudya Martinez said...

I follow you via GFC.

Claudya Martinez said...

I like you on FB.

Chef Luciana (Uchi) Davidzon said...

Thanks for introduce me to shutterfly! I would love to make one!

Carla said...

I LOVE photo books! I made a lot with my first daughter and it's been beautiful to discover them with her. She loves to look through them and see herself as a baby. Unfortunately, with our 2nd we just haven't been as good about it. So this would be fantastic!

Cristina-Colombiana en CA said...

Tengo pendiente organizar las fotos de mi nina y este photo album me ayudaria bastante. Ojala me lo gane!

Cristina-Colombiana en CA said...

Te sigo en Google Friend Connect.

Cristina-Colombiana en CA said...

Te sigo en Facebook

Aurelia @ PowerfulLatinas said...

I would love a photo book. I'm currently in the middle of clearing out some old boxes and finding old photos -- and they capture our stories so intimately, don't they? I would love to make a special photo book for my son to share how I've seen him over the years -- from a baby to a 24-year-old young man!

Aurelia @ PowerfulLatinas said...

I also liked your page on FB! :)

Presley's Pantry said...

I would love a photo book. I have so many photos....

Maura at The Other Side of The Tortilla said...

I love, love, love photo books! They're such a great way to easily and quickly memorialize family trips and I've been thinking about making a recipe book as a gift, so if I win, that's what I'd do with it!

Maura at The Other Side of The Tortilla said...

I also already have liked your page on Facebook! :)

AutismWonderland said...

I love the idea of a photo book, we have all of our pictures on the computer. One of the things I loved as a child was looking through photo albums. What do kids do now? Scroll? Not the same...

The Wise Latina Club said...

This long-distance-tía normally gets photo books from my sister or SIL chronicling my nieces' days and activities. I would love to win one so I can make the girls a photo book of Tía Loca's life: getting ready for work, walking Yellow, grocery shopping, in run club, primping for a date, blow drying the mane. In other words, I want them to get a glimpse of what my life is like when I'm not on vacation with them.

Ana L. Flores said...

I actually need this because we have hard disks full of pictures of our girl, but just a handful of printed pictures and most have been gifts! I´ve been wanting to do a photobook, but always stop because of the time commitment. If I win this I would have to do it!
Yes...photobooths are excellent gifts

lizziedoesit said...

I want a photo book!!!
it was actually a new years resolution for me, one of the very few. I need to print pictures this year and not just store them in my computer. I think a photo book is exactly what i need :)
awesome giveaway!!

lizziedoesit said...

I follow you via Google + twitter ;)

Chip said...

This would be wonderful to make our vacation book.

Chip said...

Follow via GFC - Chip

Chip said...

'Like' you on FB - Jill L

Vee said...

I've just been looking at my wedding pictures to complete my album and I'm thinking I'm going to have to make a separate one to get all the pictures I want...Shutterfly would work for that.

sweepmom said...

I have made books on Shutterfly before. They are very nice quality and easy to make.

mogrill said...

We do a book every year of our Disney trip!
Thanks for the chance.

Linda said...

I use Shutterfly for my photo needs, they are quality.

terri142 said...

I have made several photo books from shutterfly and they are always beautiful and great quality.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I am now following you with GFC.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said...

I Like your Facebook page.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Mel W said...

I created a photobook and used it as a guest book for my wedding. It was a hit!

ky2here said...

I absolutely love photobooks - they're great for vacations and family reunions.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

gfc follower kycouple2000

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

like Culture FB Mami as kyhere here

ky2here at msn dot com

Molly C. said...

I love photobooks! I would love to make my mom one of my children.

Molly C. said...

Liked you on FB
Molly Capel

Molly C. said...

Google Friend Follower
Molly C

clc408 said...

I'd love to make a photobook of my recent vacation.

clc408 said...

Following on gfc (clc408)

Anonymous said...

This would make a wonderful gift for the grandparents.

Anonymous said...

I love to make photobooks for my mom! hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Brandi said...

I made a PhotoBook for my son about his birth and he looks at it everyday! He loves to see himself as a baby.


April said...

I would ove to have a photo book for our upcoming trip to Texas for our aniversary

mail4rosey said...

I have made them for multiple family members and just loved the results.

stracey2010 said...

i give my mother a photobook every christmas and she always loves it.

Melissa said...

I love making a photobook for my family every year. I would like to make a special one for my grandma soon.

melissamcnicol AT yahoo DOT com

Melissa said...

I follow you on GFC

melissamcnicol AT yahoo DOT com

Jessie said...

I've never made a photo book before but I would love to! My daughter is starting school this year, so I'd love to make a book of her life before she started school.

improvjessie AT gmail DOT com

Rae said...

I never made a photo book but I think you got me hooked. I want to make one of the grandkids.

Rae said...

I follow via GFC as Rae Lambie

silverroses2 said...

I love these photo books! They are so much fun and can be used in so many ways. Thanks for the chance to win!
silverroses2 at hotmail dot com

silverroses2 said...

I follow your blog gfc!
autumn goehring
silverroses2 at hotmail dot com

Amanda S. said...

I'd love to make a photo book of our vacation we just got back from! Email is in my profile. :)

kakihara said...

Yes please--I would love to make a photo book.

kakihara said...

following via gfc

Angie said...

I love Shutterfly and recommend them to everyone! :)

Yvonne Condes said...

Beautiful picture of your daughter. I would love a photo book because I bought one from a coupon site and then forgot about it and it expired!! I still need to do my younger son's baby book. He's going to be 6 soon..

cman said...

I'd love to make a photo book for my twins.
My email is in my profile.

cman said...

Now following GFC (Gianna).
I also subscribed by email.

Erin Cook said...

My mom collects photo books, she has them from when I was a kid
I would love to make one for my husband for our anniversary

Erin Cook said...

like you on facebook Erin Cook

Kathy P said...

my daughter has been wanting to make a book of her and her boyfiend she would love this..thank you :)


Brittney said...

I make a photobook every year for my daughter. I just like to have a little book that tells all about what we did and how much she grew that year
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

Brittney said...

gfc follower (brittney p)
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i would love to make a photo book of our summer vacation this year
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to make a photo book of my granddaughter's birthday party. Shutterfly photo books are great.

marjeannie said...

Would love to make a family history in pictures for my dad.

Brenda H said...

I love Shutterfly books and would love to win one

brensweepstakes at

Unknown said...

I recently created and printed my very first Shutterfly photo book from my trip to Texas in the spring. It was fast and easy. The quality is great! I would love to win this. Thanks!!

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow on GFC (snowluvnferret)

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Donna said...

I would like to make one for my sister.

Donna said...

I am a fan on facebook.(Donna Kozar)

Uniquely Yours said...

This would be GREAT! Just made a book back in June for my daughter of her first 14 months b/c I had a GC from Target's baby registry and promo codes for free shipping etc....thought I was going to get it for free and it was going to cost me $20 after all my lovely discounts. THAT WAS THE CEAPEST ROUTE!!! TALK ABOUT UPSET! Naturally after hours and DAYS of hard work I didn't get the book. :(

Uniquely Yours said...

I like you on FB


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