Y’know how I fell in love with Pampers, their Little Miracles campaign and all the great things they are doing for the Latino community...
Not sure if it’s possible but I think I might just love them so much more right now!
Iv’e been working on a fun project through their Little Miracles campaign and am so excited to share this news with you.
As part of it’s commitment to the Latino community, and their message that every baby is a miracle that should be celebrated, supported and protected, Pampers has partnered with Todo Bebe, to give one expectant Latina mother a baby shower to celebrate her little miracle!
Pampers has teamed up with Jennifer, Rory, Migdalia and myself to help find one lucky mother for this great opportunity.
One mother will be nominated by each one of the partnering blogs.
Once the nominees have been identified, the partnering bloggers will meet via conference call to select a winner based on program parameters.
The mother who best represents the Pampers spirit will be given the grand prize of a memorable baby shower! To add to the excitement the lucky mother will have her baby shower featured on Todo Bebe’s Spanish language baby care show that airs on the Univision network. Pampers is also willing to fly up to two family members to surprise the expectant mother!
In addition to giving away one baby shower, Pampers will also give $500 to the nominated expectant mother from each of the partnering blogs.
Here’s what you need to qualify and how you can apply:
- be a fluent or conversational, Spanish-speaking mother (first time or experienced mother) who is over 18 years old
- willing to share your little miracle story with Todo Bebe and other reporters
- open to media/message training
- able to attend a baby shower celebration at a disclosed event, in October (slated baby shower time frame); prefer a mother who is not due for delivery until fall/early winter (Nov./Dec.)
- open to sharing family and friends contact information for baby shower
- willing to have photos posted on Facebook Pampers Latino or other Pampers media channels
Leave a comment here explaining why you or someone you know should be chosen. Tell us why your baby is a little miracle. The winner should offer a warm, inspirational message that embodies the Pampers spirit*
*Comments/applications will be accepted through midnight (PST) on Thursday September 8th. Make sure you leave your email so I can contact you. If you don’t feel right leaving this in the comments, you can contact me via email.
*Disclosure: Compensation is being given for taking part in this program. I chose to be a part of this because I love what Pampers is doing for the Latina community.
Wow..that's awesome! Pampers is such a great company!
I am nominating myself. I am pregnant with baby #2 after 13 yrs and am starting over. I was trying to get pregnant but after being disappointed, we stopped. And then I was giving an unexpected little gift. I have loved being pregnant every minute of it, even when I almost lost my baby 6 weeks ago. But my baby is strong and we are both doing good now. I cheerish every moment, every kick, every ultrasound becuase this is a little miracle. I am a Latina. I would love to win this opportunity.
Muchisimas gracias por esta gran oportunidad! I want to nominate myself. I am 25 years old and my husband and I are expecting our first little miracle! 2 years ago we decided it was time to expand our little family and we had been struggling with fertility treatments since then. In May I experimented with a new drug and my doctor told me it had not worked. I was told they will double the dose and all I could do is pray that this time it worked. That is exactly what I did, prayed, prayed, and prayed some more. I did not take the second round of the medications and I was waiting and waiting for mother nature, and she did not pay me a visit in June. On July 2nd I got a negative pregnancy test, dissapointed I went on with my day. The following week I started to experience some unsual symptoms and on July 6th to my surprise I confirmed I was pregnant! I followed up with my specialist and he told me that the sac was very small and he hoped that it will latch properly. I went back in for another visit two weeks later and he heard a very weak heart beat, he told me to pray and be prepared for anything because this time he was really scared for a miscarriage. My husband and I both started crying and there we prayed and hoped hat everything was going to be ok. After two long weeks I went back to the doctor to hear a strong, healthy heartbeat! It was the most amazing sound I had ever heard and I will never forget it. Desde el momento que supe que estaba embarazada le e llamado a mi bebe mi pequeño milagro :) estamos super contentos y anciosos de tener a nuestro milagrito en nuestros brazos!
My email is corellana86@aol.com
I'm sorry! I forgot to include it in my entry above!!
i want to nominate my friend Miriam. she lives in the L.A. area and this is her third baby. She has two boys, a 10 and a 7 years old and now having a baby girl due in December.
i can speak for myself only but i think every child is a miracle and a gift from God. having kids is the most beautiful thing that's happened to me. they make me appreciate life so much more.
here is Miriam's link :)
Marcela, this is an awesome thing that you and Pamper's are doing! you're simply amazing!
We are expecting miracle baby boy number two in October. We tried for four years to conceive and last summer, after receiving a devastating ultrasound, put our faith in God, that we would have another baby. My doctor had me do some unconventional things, that worked, and surprising us all in February, I was pregnant. The whole story is here: http://howardsx3.blogspot.com/2011/07/oh-this-baby.html
I ONLY use Pampers and would love to win! Thanks.
Hola,nosotros estamos esperando dos bebes muy deseados, el de mi hermana; que no califica por estar en mexico y el de mi comadre, por quien estoy participando. Ella esta embarazada, esperando una nina, su primer hijo ya tiene 15 anos y siempre habia deseado tener un hermano, pero hasta ahora se les concedio. Hace algunos anos perdieron un bebe, pero ahora estamos todos muy contentos por la llegada de esta beba que nacera en Diciembre.
Marcela and Pampers thanks for this giveaway! My baby is a miracle baby for many reasons, here is our story: After a year of trying to get pregnant I had given up hope on having another child. I assumed that if it wasn’t happening naturally, I wasn’t going to force it (meaning going to fertility treatments etc) I thought there was a reason why I shouldn’t have more kids and I was at peace with the idea of having only one child.
We got pregnant unexpectedly and were so excited!! I knew this baby was supposed to teach us something and it didn’t take us long to find out what. Financial trouble got only worse, my husband and I work on contract basis with a couple of entities (county based) in LA and of course budget cuts affected us tremendously! A big contract that was potentially going to help us stay afloat didn't happened and as up to date we’re pretty much done for the year with our other contracts without any hopes of renewing any of them. This little life inside of me is giving me the strength to face every day with hope of a brighter future, he or she (as we are not finding out the gender) has taught me that asking for help is not a bad thing. Asking for help has been a learning process that has given me back the faith in humankind and it also has reminded me that Dios aprieta pero no ahorca!
I would like to nominate myself…I am currently expecting a little miracle and I can’t wait to meet her/him! This is my second child after 10 years I finally found someone I would want to have another child with and we are both very excited! Although I have not had any major complications this pregnancy is totally different from my first, not one day has passed where I have felt great. But I know I will get through it and it will be totally worth it when I have my little bundle of joy in my arms.
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