
Friday, December 23

to Kmart I go at 6 o'clock in the morning ( : (Giveaway)

Kip took the day off from work today. We are all taking off to Legoland for a day of fun. I can't think of anything better right now than hanging out with my family all day, and seeing the kids faces filled with excitement.

I am still not finished with Christmas shopping...truth is, not really stressed about it either. I'm enjoying the season, the music, the decorations, the food, the love, friends, my family.

And somehow, shopping always gets done. Doesn't it? Are you starting to get stressed? Don't. We don't ever remember the gifts, we remember where we were, who was there, what we did, and how we felt.

I will probably get the rest of my shopping done early tomorrow morning. Hoping to wake up early and beat the crowds. Don't you just love stores that have extended hours???

Kmart sent me a gift card to help me finish my holiday shopping and also let me know they open really early at most stores (six am)....they must have known my last minute shopping plans. ( : So thankful for this. Been a shopper of Sears for years (remember going there with my mom as a child) and can't tell you how much I love their children's clothes!


They also sent me a  $100 Kmart/Sears gift card to giveaway to one of you...they want you to feel special, no stress and know that they have extended their hours specially for people like us who are not only shopping but enjoying their families as well. Both Sear and Kmart have tons of stuff, and that right gift for that special someone.

Leave me any topic related comment on this post....tell me if you are done with your shopping. Who you still need to buy for? I will pick one winner on January 1, 2012 (that felt weird...writing the new year) at 11:59pm. US only. Make sure you leave your email if it's not already on your profile so I can contact you. Good luck!

*update: Congrats to Danielle (the Knapps), the winner of the gift card!


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kygirl said...

Kmart and sears are great stores. I am all finished up with Christmas. But who couldn't use a little TLC after the holidays

sweetpea18 said...

christmas was a week ago and i still have presents to buy! not many though... i am definitely a last minute shopper :)
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

@nola727 said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I was actually finished on-time this year

nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

Jo said...

I finished my shopping in advance but I still had a few handmade gifts to finish till the last minute!! It was fun tho!!:) Happy New Year!!

bvbabybv at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I'm glad that Christmas is behind us now but January is a big birthday month for my family. I have 4 people to buy birthday gifts for. Yikes!
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

cowboyswife said...

my husband birthday is coming up and I have not shopped for him yet. but, he can use s ome new tools

lavonne39759 said...

I was a late Christmas shopper because my parents loaned me some money since I am currently unemployed due to a medical emergency. I would love to win the $100 K Mart GC.

Niko said...

I sadly still have a couple people (out of state) to finish getting gifts for. Extremely busy month, and so I'm trying to find those last couple items!

Niko O.
niko2004 at

kathy55439 said...

I finshed shopping Wed before Christmas but still have another Christmas or to go after the new year

mynewhomeiowa at ya hoo

monte said...

finished with all of my Christmas shopping

Roy F. said...

I finished my shopping a few weeks before christmas. It was easy. Got them ALL the same thing -a box of chocolates.


Kristie said...

I'm done with my shopping. I know Christmas is overwith, but we still have 1 more family gathering that we take gifts to. :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

pauline15 said...

I finished my christmas shopping on black friday. I think my kids love hitting our local Walmart more than christmas itself!

The Sunshyn said...

I managed to get all my holiday shopping down on time, though the fact that we all traveled half the country for our family gathering did restrict some gift choices.
chainmail (at)iwon dot com

d schmidt said...

Happy New Year! I did actually purchase a number of my son's Christmas gifts from Kmart because they have a fabulous children's toy section.

michedt said...

I always go Christmas shopping in the wee hours of the morning. I love it. It's quiet and there aren't tons of people around.
Thanks for the giveaway!

michedt at yahoo . com

Melanie said...

this would be great to get my husband some hand tools!
thanks for the giveaway!

Lindsey M said...

I finished shopping in plenty of time but was up late wrapping on christmas eve

sweepymummy [at] yahoo [dot] com

trishden said...

Hello, of course I'm done with my Christmas shopping since it is now New Years day. But, I was shopping 2 days after Christmas on our way to see the inlaws. Got some great deals. It is sad to here that some of the Sears and Kmart stores will be closing. I hope not in my area. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Michelle Hagewood said...

I haven't shopped at KMart in forever since ours closed years ago. We do have one that isn't too far away and I have to say that I miss it. I loved their variety and would love a reason to travel back up there!

boylaneely at hotmail dot com

*Didn't comment on Christmas since it has passed.

Unknown said...

I finished all of my shopping December 1st!

misteedawnw at aol dot com

spirit_kim said...

It is after Christmas so my shopping is all done. I will be looking forward to the new year as I hope all of you will be.

Erin G said...

Christmas is over now, but this year I shopped until the day before.


melissa miller said...

I love Kmart this would be awesome because now that christmas is over we have 4 family bdays coming up in the next month

elangomatt said...

I finished with all of my Christmas shopping on Dec 23rd. I actually made a trip to Kmart on Christmas Eve to get some snacks for Christmas Day, and they were pretty much the only place open that evening besides Walgreens.

Jessica said...

I got all of my X-mas shopping done a week before Christmas and I managed to get my Christmas Cards out too.

Cweller75 said...

I finished all of my Christmas shopping about a week before Christmas. I didn't get everything wrapped until Christmas Eve. But, Christmas went great, everyone seemed to love their gifts and we all had a great Christmas.

1993wel said...

I got my Christmas shopping done on time thanks to the wonders of shopping online. I love amazon prime and I think it's definitely worth it to pay one fee for a whole year of free shipping and no worries!

Angel Jacklyn said...

I love the whole Christmas Eve shopping experience. I love rush of last minute gift shopping and the crowds. It is over so fast each year. I did get done early so I won't be in the mist of the panic either way and I will miss that this year.

Roxanne K said...

I was done shopping a week or so before Christmas, which was nice since I usually have at least one present I need to get at the last possible second.

Sears has yet to fail me when I really need to find something. :)

Tracey said...

My Christmas shopping is done. Now it's time to hit the after Christmas sales.

Anonymous said...

i am done with all my shopping

Karen said...

I always finish my holiday shopping by Thanksgiving. Thanks for the giveaway.


diesel51 said...

I am having late family members that are coming to celebrate with us. It's especially fantastic because they are going to help fix up the garage. The walls are in desperate need of a cleaning and painting and the floor needs to be resurfaced before someone falls in a big crack in the floor and is never seen again.

Unknown said...

I finished all of my shopping (and wrapping) a few days before Christmas this year. Usually I am shopping right up until the last minute and wrapping all Christmas eve.

Anonymous said...

I was totally unprepared for christmas this year and had to scramble at the last minute to get a gift for my brother. Oops!

Anonymous said...

I do love Sears and Kmart. They have a good mix of products and they are reasonable in price.

dythia99 said...

I was finished with my shopping a few weeks before Christmas. I love the clothes at Kmart....they are so cute!


Mtlgrl4evr said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I love Sears and Kmart! I didn't get all of my shopping done till the last minute.

Tandt625 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Happy New Year.
The holidays are over so we're done with shopping. We did pick up some things yesterday during the after Christmas sales.

Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

realady said...

I have a Kmart in a very small rural town near me that I love toshop, it feels like a secret! I would love to use the gift card on lots of extras that I found while holiday shopping for my family!

Anonymous said...

i finished my shopping christmas eve
tjranch at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

I started Christmas 3 weeks before Christmas and got my last gift at 10pm Christmas eve...which was weird because I'm usually very on top of things but we have less money to work with this year...but we made it work :) Our Christmas morning was filled with smiling faces:)

Hope you had a nice holiday as well.

Lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

Heather said...

I am done with my shopping. Happy New Year!

gnwg said...

I'm finished with shopping. That's nice that they extended their hours for people, shopping can be stressful during the holidays!
Thanks Culture Mami and Kmart/Sears
ziggyga athotmaildot com

sadkins said...

I have a few post holiday birthdays coming up and need to get shopping. I definitely will hit Kmart to pick up any deals.

scottsgal said...

I did really good on shopping - hit some stuff kids wanted when they had great sales
msboatgal at

Robin T said...

We finished all our shopping a week before Christmas

Julieh said...

I'm done with Christmas, and thankful for the past year and hopeful for the year ahead. I'm going to try and start my shopping early this year!
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

finished shopping 12/24 10 am

Mindful Autopsy said...

Even though I waited until the last minute and of course ended up in Kmart late on the Fri before Christmas I did get done. Thanks

Mindful Autopsy said...

Even though I waited until the last minute and of course ended up in Kmart late on the Fri before Christmas I did get done. Thanks

Amanda S. said...

Well since this is after Christmas, yes, I'm done shopping, lol! I actually got some great deals at Sears this year. :)

Cassie said...

We actually still have one more Christmas party to go, but yes, I had all my shopping done about a week before Christmas thankfully!

tattwo said...

I am usually still shopping at the last minute. Each year I say I want to be done early, but . . .

Thanks for the giveaway.

Rachel said...

I so would have loved to bake more cookies w/my little one! Did the majority of my shopping on Black Friday. But oddly enough it was the grocery's for the Holiday meal that had us out late to shop on xmas eve this year. at gmail(dot)com

ewhatley said...

I shop for holiday gifts throughout the year to save money and last minute rushing. Always find great bargains at Kmart.

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

beckytag said...

Well, since it's after Christmas, I'd hope we're done. But, truth be told, I think we got our last item on Christmas Eve!
beckytag618 at gmail dot com

LAMusing said...

I finished my shopping about a week before Christmas :)

Norma said...

I was shopping up till the day before Christmas

Lisa Garner said...

I didn't finish with my Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve lol!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Amy delong said...

I was finished pretty early,we shop most of the year

almaNYC said...

I'm not done shopping- I want to get some things for my parents, maybe for 3 Kings Day.

thischickwins at gmail dot com

Catharine said...

Packing away all the decorations today. Bought all my wrappings at Kmart this year.
ceriehl at gmail dot com

April said...

We finished all of our shopping late - on Christmas Eve! 2011 was a rough year and the budget has been tight (and tighter when hubs was laid off in Dec.) so we had to plan for the last minute. We got it done though and everyone loved their gifts and we enjoyed time spent with family.
april dot vrugtman at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

christmas is done shopping.

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

yeah i was finished 3 days before christmas.. which was a bit stressful. i like when i can have it all done by mid november..

Unknown said...

We took a vacation to Hawaii a week before Christmas and now I want to do that every year- usually I am stressed and worn out- this year I was relaxed, happy and having the time of my life.
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Breanne said...

I plan on buying a cutlery set for my mom. I found out after I had already bought her something that she has a assortment of random, crappy knives.

bmweida at yahoo dot com

Mama V said...

I finished my Christmas shopping a few days before Christmas.

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Erica H said...

I am done with my shopping since the holidays are over but I could use a few new household things and this would be great for that.


lisamataylor said...

Time to start my shopping for this year I love Kmart lezanac2 at yahoo dot com

sumn said...

Christmas is now over. I had done about 90% of my shopping a couple months in advance. So, there wasn't much to get last minute, except a couple of gift cards.

chadro said...

I was done before Christmas week, not much to do this year as things are meager around here

liliana495 said...

I love Sears so much! Thank you :)

Tim said...

We are lucky to have a kmart in our

tahearn at roadrunner dot com

bev said...

I got my shopping done early this year, because I had to mail out a lot of gifts and wanted to get them there for Christmas. I did do some shopping at Kmart. They have reasonable prices, I think. This gift certificate would be nice to win. I could do some after Christmas shopping. Thanks for having this contest.

barb hunt said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Mary Gardner said...

i did finish a few days before the big day. i agree that it all gets done and in the end spending time with family is what i enjoy most about the season.

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Kathy P said...

i am kind of glad xmas is over if find it a little stressful but i do love shopping at kmart and sears i always find great clearance deals.
Happy New Year :)


/\Heather/\ said...

I finished rather early, since I like to buy all the peeps on my list books. That might change if everybody I know gets an e-reader of some sort...but then again, maybe not.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

CaseyDeuce said...

I love that I've made a new rule and only shop for my kids, friends kids, and my parents. It saves me sooo much money, but now I realize the kiddos didn't get socks or boots for Christmas so I'd love to go buy some!!

caseyscouch at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I wasn't able to get all my family gifts, but they understand! Luckily my children enjoyed their Christmas. Now heres to having a better year!

brich2222 said...

I finished up all my shopping at the last minute!

brich22 at earthlink dot net

Stacey said...

I finished my shopping 2 days before Christmas. We didn't go crazy spending money and it was relatively stress free!

cassandra marquez said...

Christmas is over, however I finished shopping on the 23rd. I went to the mall and it was PACKED. I regretted it but somehow managed to snag a great parking spot and find all 7 missing gifts within 2 hours. I was shocked at the luck! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Whitney said...

I am finished since Christmas is over. However I have a baby boy due this month so I need to go baby shopping! I am so glad our Kmarts and Sears will be staying open! Our Sears is in the mall and they have a car service department so its great for Moms like me!

ramblesahm at yahoo dot com

mail4rosey said...

I'm done but have one gift left to buy for my mother-in-law's birthday!

Rachel said...

I won most of my presents this year and supplemented with money from swagbucks and online panels

Unknown said...

I was done with my shopping about 2 weeks before christmas

mellanhead74 at

Bakersdozen said...

Since Christmas is over, I am now focusing on outfits for the kids to wear back to school. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

daveshir2005 said...

You know I was shopping right up until the last minute for Christmas. Some people are so hard to buy for.

Colengal said...

Im not done with my After -Christmas shopping. Thats the best

Charity/CC said...

I had a really good time shopping for my son. He had a wonderful Christmas.

ccboobooy at gmail dot com

Sylvia said...

I did some of my Christmas shopping at KMart this year. Now I'm going to do some shopping for me!

Gaines7 said...

Happy New Year! Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. My holiday shopping is finished.

Anonymous said...

Ther is a couple of things I couldn't get for Christmas and this would be great to give a couple of belated presents wilcarvic

Amanda said...

Took advantage of all the after christmas sales. Got some great deals! :-) happy new year

sweetlikecandy1688 at gmail dot com

wallindeb said...

Even though it is Jan. 1st, I am not done shopping for Christmas. We have one more Christmas party next weekend. We held off for my son who is flying in from Arizona on thursday. I still have one more small thing I need to pick up for a name exchange. Nothing like waiting for the last minute.

Brenda Davis said...

I love Kmart and I had a BIG layaway there for my son's Christmas presents. He was very happy when that morning came!

Unknown said...

How nice of them to send you money to shop! I definitely could have used that for my kids. We ended up spending $100 a piece on our three kids! Would have loved to get an extra gift or two!! Thanks for the giveaway

Allison B. said...

I love using the after-Christmas sales to get gifts for our family holiday party that we have later in January!


carolpie said...

Love this and it sure would come in handy. Lots of birthdays in january.
spcale at yahoo dot com.

Michelle Spayde said...

Happy New Year!

I did 100% of my Christmas shopping online this year, and I avoided all of the stress of running from store to store! I think that I'll be doing that from now on!

Anonymous said...

I wish Kmart was closer to Me Miss the store that used to be just around the corner...My excitement This year We paid cash for everything no extra bills...We saved $1 bills all year and it surprised Us ended up being over $200

slehan said...

I do my shopping year round. I do a trip to the dollar store to find stocking stuffers.
And it's true that we best remember the people & the good times much more than the presents.
Thanks for the contest.

TriciaD said...

I'm done with my shopping

Anonymous said...

I am done with shopping

dvice12 said...

This would be great for after holiday shopping

Jayfr said...

I'm hoping I'm done with the Christmas shopping. Now just working on the returns -- we seem to buy extra every year, and this year I'm returning it.

Anonymous said...

Was done with my sopping the week before Christmas... YES!!!

arudig at comcast dot net

barblong said...

I actually got done with my Christmas shopping a couple days before Christmas this year (I'm usually still shopping Christmas Eve). It made for a more relaxed Christmas this year.

ShesAnAngel said...

I'm done with my holiday shopping but my son's birthday is coming up so this would be awesome!

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...Best Wishes for a Less Stressful New Year for ALL !!!

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

momof5girls said...

I actually realized how late I was getting started two weeks before Christmas, and I was done a week later. I got everything wrapped before Christmas Eve and got to play with the family all day. Yay me! ;)

Storm Safety Blog said...

I did most of my Christmas shopping at the after-Christmas sales in 2010. At Christmas 2011, my extended family decided next year, only the children would get gifts. Since I don't have kids, I don't buy for other people's kids. So, I don't have to buy anything major for next year, yay! I would have liked to get a few more things for my husband, but he has his eye on some expensive woodshop equipment, so he said not to get him anything and save the money for that. I got him a couple of things anyway.

Dawn Reid said...

I was finally finished a few days before Christmas, first time ever

Anonymous said...

I've finished with my Christmas shopping. Due to my husband being unemployed we were only able to buy presents for the children.

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